For a man who loves ships, I hate water. And for the most part, my camera equipment does too. Maybe some day I will own something more waterproof, but for now I use what I have. Apologies for the droplets on the lens. I tried to keep it dry, but it was like a monsoon down there today.

Some of you with keen eyes may also notice that the bars of the pier appear altered or missing in some photos. That’s because I removed the lamp posts. 😂

Today was a double-header but I only stayed for the first half because of the aforementioned monsoon. I arrived seemingly right on time as OCEAN A. SIMARD was hooking up to the front of FEDERAL BRISTOL and SALVAGE MONARCH was diving in behind to pull the stern away from the pier.

FEDERAL WELLAND was waiting in the wings to be towed in after FEDERAL BRISTOL was out, but I needed coffee and warmth more than I needed pictures of FEDERAL WELLAND. That can wait until tomorrow when the weather is improved.

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