Photos From A Past Life

I’ve had a really tough day today, at the end of a moderately tough life in the last ten years.

In some ways my life has been incredible blessed twice.

In other ways it seems sometimes I cannot escape a terrible curse. Today was one of the curse days.

So let’s talk about happy things. Let me dig through my collection of old photos to the time that I worked at a now-defunct zoo that shall remain nameless. I did a lot of things there. Photography. Graphic Design. Guest Relations. And a little bit of animal handling, mostly with regard to our Rothchild’s Giraffe Morgan.

I’m just scrolling through my photo archive posting these in no particular order. Some of these were taken with my phone. Some were taken with a DSLR.

Our pygmy goats were always one of the most popular animals at the zoo. On top of being incorrigible mooches, the babies would often climb through (or under) the fence and mingle among the zoo guests. This particular photo was of two of my favourite goats having a snuggle together.

Here’s something you don’t often see. A white lion (Alex) and a ‘standard’ African lion (Athena) chumming together. Athena was significantly older but they got along fine.

He looks quite angry, but in truth I think he was yawning.

That’s all for now. Maybe another post of memories sometime soon.

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