Big Changes… If You’re On Desktop Or A Large Mobile Screen

Look over there. If you’re on a desktop computer or a larger mobile screen like a tablet.

You will notice that the arrivals list is now on the front page. I think this is a lot easier for a lot of people. It even shows you a little flag to tell what county the vessel is flagged in.

Where is the schedule page if I am on a mobile device and the sidebar doesn’t show?

Glad you asked. Scroll to the bottom of the webpage. You will notice that all the footer crap that used to be down there is gone. But in it’s place is the stuff that people with larger screens see on the sidebar.

If you are on a mobile device and want to get there faster… you can click “Pages” in the menu and pick Oshawa Ship Arrivals. Or. You can bookmark

Yes that’s not a typo. The # is supposed to be there. Trust me.

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