Oshawa Harbour – FEDERAL WELLAND

Have you ever photographed a hot supermodel, and then you shot her twin sister and couldn’t tell them apart?

Yeah, I haven’t either.

Although there are differences between FEDERAL BRISTOL and FEDERAL WELLAND they sure aren’t visible to the naked eye. And with the “stowaway barrier” and the pier gate closed, it wasn’t easy to get a variety of angles when I left the long lens at home. (It’s still drying out from the other shoot.)

So alas this post will be a short one. I probably won’t even put it on Facebook. So those of you who visit will get bonus material. This won’t happen often. I am very deeply committed to the success of The Prescott Anchor. Maybe if I feel inspired later I will take the long lens down to the secret marina spot and try to get a full-body shot of her to add to the post.

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