Yesterday I teased on The Prescott Anchor that something big was coming. Well. Most people know I have an infatuation with a certain tugboat that is usually stationed in Oshawa Harbour. I don’t even know really where the infatuation started. I guess I love all tugs, but LAPRAIRIE has a special place in my heart for some reason. And today she came home from her regular maintenance at the Ocean Group yard in Hamilton, Ontario.

I was a wee bit concerned watching Marine Traffic this morning when I saw it dive into Toronto Harbour. I thought maybe they had mechanical problems. But no, they were doing a job. She pulled JUNO in and then proceeded on to Oshawa Harbour.

I know. I know. You’re here for the photos. Here they are. I’ll babble more later..

The bird shots are bonuses for you who come to the website. I don’t post them on Facebook in the ship groups because… they’re not ships and Mardy will chase me with a broom. 🧹

I have never been an athlete and today reminded me of that. I was down on that rock taking pictures and realized that LAPRAIRIE was going to beat me to the pier so I hauled ass down to the dock much to the shock and fear of people who only saw a fat white man with a camera running at breakneck speed down the boardwalk. I’m glad they didn’t call the police.

Then a few shots in the shadow of FEDERAL WELLAND (that’s what the ropes were).

Then WHOEVER was on the bridge of LAPRAIRIE very kindly sounded a salute. I don’t know if it was to me, or to FEDERAL WELLAND or to OCEAN A. SIMARD. But when you’re collapsed in a pile of perspiration on a pier you take what you get, so I claimed it. It was to me. “Name it and claim it” as some religious folk say.

Then came Leg #3 of the marathon. Because of the position of FEDERAL WELLAND the only place I could get shot(s) of LAPRAIRIE and OCEAN A. SIMARD together was that spot on the walking path where I took the other wide angle shots of WELLAND and BRISTOL last week. From the lake view parking lot to the “other” spot is about 5% driving and 110% running. Yeah. I know. They don’t add up. But I’m old and I was exhausted. I didn’t know what kind of timeline I was looking at before SIMARD would take off for Hamilton so I was moving double-time. And I managed to get a few of ”my two girls” moored in opposing directions, like fighting sisters.

I hope you enjoy the photos. I know I am going to enjoy my sleep. 🌙

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