I didn’t think I was gonna make it in time today to get these pictures and I barely did.

So here’s the scoop in thirty words or less. HELENA G is gone. FEDERAL MARGAREE is here. NACC QUEBEC is arriving as I write this. And it looks like OCEAN GOLF is staying here for a bit while LAPRAIRIE goes back to Hamilton for a bit. Praying everything is ok with her.

Enough talking, here’s the pics!

The Harbour Report — June 7th

Well. It’s a confusing weekend.

I’m going to have to go down to the harbour to figure out what’s going on.

Marine Traffic shows Leo arriving, but when I woke up very early this morning it looked like it had already arrived.

Margaree looks like it may be pulling up anchor from the Welland Canal anchorage, but the heading doesn’t seem to indicate that it’s heading for Oshawa.

The arrivals board reflects my current state of confusion.

The Harbour Report — June 6th

Yesterday I said they’re always early. Today they’re always late.

Based on course and speed, I expect FEDERAL MARGAREE to arrive shortly before 2:00 pm local time.

At the time of this post, LEO A MCARTHUR hasn’t even entered the Welland Canal yet. There seems to be a bit of a traffic jam at the south end. We’ll keep our nose eyes open for her. I don’t know if she’ll make it here before Paul Blart and his mall cop army lock the park down for the night. Her revised ETA is currently showing as 5:00 am local time Sunday morning. We’ll see.